How the book came to be

It did not start out as a book, I was contemplating some of the bigger questions in life as most of us probably do at some point, and in seeking the answers I was drawn to a particular concept.

I decided that it would be easier to keep a record of my answers so that when I revisited the questions, I had something to build onto … and so the writing started!

There was no thought of a book at this stage, it was more me struggling with these big questions and trying to find answers that made sense, mostly to achieve some sort of peace of mind.

This contemplation took place over a period of time, probably around 10 years. There was no deadline, what was important is that I needed to understand how did I see it all fitting together, are there answers that could be applied to all of the big questions?

I purposely refrained from reading existing views at this stage, because I needed to understand instinctually and intuitively without any external influence what did I think and what made sense to me.

As I am highly analytical this process took some time, often with breaks in between, where I left it alone …only to return to it at a later date.

It would not leave me alone, I had to complete it.

I started to see a thread of logic that joined all the dots, at this stage I then looked at what was out there already to see where my concept fitted in to it all.

There is only one reality and it is impossible to definitively claim to have found it, these are not those sort of questions. No one is qualified to provide the answers, but it does not mean that we should not try to make sense of it all.

Once I had put it all together, I decided that it is a message that should be shared, it is my personal interpretation of life so feel free to agree with all, some or none of it.

I purposely apply a cosmic and scientific approach to the concept of God rather than a religious view as this is what differentiates humanity.

By all accounts my book is short and concise, but I have carefully selected every word to try to ensure that my thoughts are accurately conveyed, this is by no means an easy task as people interpret things differently and ambiguity can easily creep its way in to a sentence.

I have read and reread my work countless times and realized that at some point you have to let it go, otherwise it cannot get published!

So, here it is ...

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